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### Introduction **Larafirebase** is a package thats offers you to send push notifications via Firebase in Laravel. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages at no cost. For use cases such as instant messaging, a message can transfer a payload of up to 4KB to a client app. ### Installation Follow the steps below to install the package. **Install via Composer** ``` composer require gg-innovative/larafirebase ``` **Copy Configuration** Run the following command to publish the `larafirebase.php` config file: ```bash php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GGInnovative\Larafirebase\Providers\LarafirebaseServiceProvider" ``` **Configure larafirebase.php as needed** Open the `larafirebase.php` configuration file, which you just published, and set the following values as needed: - `project_id`: Replace with your actual Firebase project ID. - `firebase_credentials`: This refers to the JSON credentials file for your Firebase project. Make sure it points to the correct location in your project. This JSON file contains the authentication information for your Firebase project, allowing your Laravel application to interact with Firebase services. You can generate this JSON file in the Firebase Console. Once you have it, specify its path in this configuration. ### Usage Follow the steps below to find how to use the package. Example usage in **Controller/Service** or any class: ```php use GGInnovative\Larafirebase\Facades\Larafirebase; class MyController { public function sendNotification() { return Larafirebase::withTitle('Test Title') ->withBody('Test body') ->withImage('') ->withAdditionalData([ 'name' => 'wrench', 'mass' => '1.3kg', 'count' => '3' ]) ->withToken('TOKEN_HERE') // You can use also withTopic ->sendNotification(); // Or return Larafirebase::fromRaw([ // "name" => "string", "data" => [ "string" => "string", ], "notification" => [ "object" => "(Notification)" ], "android" => [ "object" => "(AndroidConfig)" ], "webpush" => [ "object" => "(WebpushConfig)", ], "apns" => [ "object" => "(ApnsConfig)" ], "fcm_options" => [ "object" => "(FcmOptions)" ], "token" => "string", "topic" => "string", "condition" => "string" ])->sendNotification(); } } ``` Example usage in **Notification** class: ```php use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification; use GGInnovative\Larafirebase\Messages\FirebaseMessage; class SendBirthdayReminder extends Notification { /** * Get the notification's delivery channels. */ public function via($notifiable) { return ['firebase']; } /** * Get the firebase representation of the notification. */ public function toFirebase($notifiable) { return (new FirebaseMessage) ->withTitle('Hey, ', $notifiable->first_name) ->withBody('Happy Birthday!') ->withToken('TOKEN_HERE') ->asNotification(); } } ``` ### Tips - You can use `larafirebase()` helper instead of Facade.